brew install awscli
Set up AWS CLI
Configure credentials
To create a named profile:
$ aws configure --profie ${profile_name}
AWS Access Key ID [None]: ...
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: ...
Default region name [None]: ...
Default output format [None]: json
You can create multiple profiles.
Your configuration is saved in two files: ~/.aws/config
and ~/.aws/credentials
To modify an existing profile you can either modify it directly in the files or use the aws configure
command again:
$ aws configure set region ${value_to_set} --profile ${profile_name}
Show configuration
To see the list of all profiles:
aws configure list-profiles
To see the configuration of a specific profile:
aws configure list --profile ${profile_name}
To see the value of a specific variable of a specific profile:
aws configure get region --profile ${profile_name}
Upload file to S3
To upload a folder to a subdirectory in a bucket:
aws s3 cp ${dir_name} s3://${bucket_name}/${sub_dir}/${dir_name} --recursive --profile ${profile}