AWS Elatic Container Registry
Table of contents
Pushing image to ECR
Authenticate Docker
First you must authenticate Docker to push to your ECR registry.
You must first configure AWS CLI with your credentials.
aws ecr get-login-password --profile ${profile} |
docker login --username AWS --password-stdin ${account_id}.dkr.ecr.${region}
is the URI of your ECR registry.
Authentication is only valid for 12 hours.
Build or tag image
Your image must have a tag that matches the URI of your ECR registry.
docker build -t ${account_id}.dkr.ecr.${region}${repo_name}:${tag} . -f Dockerfile
# OR
docker tag ${image_id} ${account_id}.dkr.ecr.${region}${repo_name}:${tag}
Push image
docker push ${account_id}.dkr.ecr.${region}${repo_name}:${tag}