
Table of contents
  1. Installation
  2. Export settings and connections
  3. Download Vim plugin
  4. SSH Troubleshooting


brew install --cask dbeaver-community

Export settings and connections

On MacOS, workspace configurations are stored in ~/Library/DBeaverData.

Refer to link for different OS.

To export the settings and connections, copy ~/Library/DBeaverData/workspace6/General/.dbeaver from source to target.

Download Vim plugin

On the top nagivation bar, click Help > Install New Software....

Then type the following URL in the Work with field and click Add.


Add Vrapper Repo

Enter Vrapper for the Name field and click OK.

Then select Vrapper and any other optional Vim plugins to install. Click Next to install the plugin.

I personally find optional Surround.vim plugin to be very useful.

After installation, restart DBeaver.

SSH Troubleshooting

While SSHing into a remote server, if you get the following error:

invalid privatekey: [B@540.....

You are probably using a key algorithm incompatible for JSch implementation.

To solve this navigate to Connection settings -> SSH.

Connection settings

Open Advanced settings, and change Implementation to SSHJ.