Table of contents
  1. OpenPGP
  2. GnuPG
    1. Basic usage
    2. Editing a key
    3. Encrypt and decrypt
    4. Error
  3. Key ID
    1. Fingerprint
    2. Long key ID
    3. Short key ID


To be added


Basic usage

# Follow prompt to create keys
gpg --full-generate-key

# List public keys
gpg --list-keys

# List secret keys
gpg --list-secret-keys

Editing a key

gpg --edit-key <key-id>

To fix the expiration setting, for example, do:

gpg> expire

Then save the settings by:

gpg> save

Related files will be stored in ~/.gnupg.

Encrypt and decrypt

To be added

The last % of decrypted output is unused.


In case you get any error of the following:

$ gpg: public key decryption failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
$ gpg: decryption failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device


$ gpg: public key decryption failed: No such file or directory
$ gpg: decryption failed: No such file or directory


echo $GPG_TTY

If it shows a not a tty error, set:

export GPG_TTY=$(tty)

You can place them in your shell configuration file.

Key ID

The key ID is calculated from your public key and the creation timestamp.


The long hex printed with gpg --list-keys is the fingerprint of the key.

Long key ID

The last 16 hex of the fingerprint.

Short key ID

The last 8 hex of the fingerprint.

You can provide either one of the three for a key ID.