Wald Test
Table of contents
Let $\theta$ be the parameter of interest.
The null hypothesis is:
$$ H_0: \theta = \theta_0 $$
The alternative hypothesis is:
$$ H_1: \theta \neq \theta_0 $$
Distribution / Test Statistic
Let $\hat{\theta}$ be the MLE of $\theta$.
Using the fact that MLE is asymptomatically normal, and assuming that the null hypothesis is true,
\[\frac{\hat{\theta} - \theta_0}{\hat{\text{se}}(\hat{\theta})} \leadsto N(0, 1)\]The Wald statistic is:
$$ W = \frac{\hat{\theta} - \theta_0}{\hat{\text{se}}(\hat{\theta})} $$
And at the significance level $\alpha$, we reject the null hypothesis if:
$$ |W| > z_{\alpha/2} $$
Asymptotic Test
Wald test is an asymptotic test, meaning that it is valid for large sample sizes.
When the sample size is small, consider using other tests like the t-test.